Why Support Is So Important for Chronic Illness Treatment

Who Needs Support

Chronic illness may come across as a monster of a problem. Usually, scary sounding.

Compared to others, you may start to doubt your physical struggles are even “bad enough” to ask for emotional support. After all, there is always someone who has it worse than you.

Although you may be dealing with the illness for the rest of your life, remember that chronic illness comes in many forms covering the spectrum. There is no measuring stick for “how bad” your illness has to be for you to need emotional support.

Everyone is different. And everyone dealing with chronic illness treatment is deserving of support.

Consider the following examples of common long-term illnesses:

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Arthritis

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Stroke

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Osteoporosis

  • Heart disease

These illnesses not only vary in severity but also intensity. Basically, what may seem easy for you to handle may be a hefty struggle for someone else. Or vice versa.

And no one has to tell you that a chronic illness can be quite the jagged pill to swallow. Frequently causing financial strain, physical pain, and emotional distress, chronic illness treatment can really exhaust even the toughest of souls. And in a number of ways.

So, who needs support? The short answer is: everyone dealing with a chronic illness.

Why Meaningful Support Is Critical

For many, being diagnosed with a long-term illness results in a new perspective. You may view life and its nuances in a different way, re-evaluating many aspects. So it comes as no surprise that chronic illnesses take a unique toll on any human being.

Perhaps you’ve always been a pillar of strength. But continually facing anxiety, stress, and fear, you may feel utterly spent nowadays. Dealing with chronic illness treatment is taxing, no doubt.

Support is vital in challenging moments like this. Others can catch you when you fall.

Even more so, it’s vital in the moments leading up to this emotional collapse.

Joining a support group offers a type of refreshing strength unrivaled by actual medicine. Being around other people dealing with similar struggles can build you up, empowering you to boldly carry on. It helps you to gain a more accurate and positive perspective.

Emotionally-speaking, a support group can be the refueling element currently missing in your life.

Where to Find Support

More than any other kind of support, patients are reporting to their healthcare providers that emotional support ranks as number one on their list of needs.

Finding a group to join isn’t as tricky as it used to be, thanks to the internet. Nowadays, you can hunt the world wide web for support groups in your area or online support groups focused on your chronic illness. Plus, specific forums exist where you can search out common problems others in your position also face.

These groups provide a place for you to share your struggle, hear success stories, or talk about difficult topics surrounding your chronic illness treatment.

Whether it’s actually going to a meeting or doing a video chat from a computer, the support of others can be incredibly rewarding. It may even be the defining factor in how much you enjoy life despite your struggles.

Making the first move to recruit the support you need can be a tough step. First, you have to recognize that you need others. Then, you have to find them.

If you’ve discovered yourself at standstill, please reach out to me for assistance. Together, we can navigate those difficult emotions you may be experiencing.

To learn more about how I can help you, see my therapeutic approach to chronic illnesses HERE.