5 Tips for Interacting with People Who Have Opposing Views

1. Be Respectful

Unfortunately, some topics are so divisive that people end up demonizing those who disagree with them. This approach is counterproductive and does nothing to further understanding. It only breeds contempt and hurt feelings. It leads some to say things they don’t mean and do things they later regret.

As hard as it might be, try to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with respect. You won’t do your cause any good by belittling and putting down those who oppose your views.

2. Remain Calm

Even if you’re not trying to be disrespectful or hurtful, it’s easy to be so anxious or worked up about a topic that you lose your temper.

Before entering into such conversations, ask yourself what you’re afraid of. Ask yourself what, if any, negative impacts might result from interacting with those who oppose your view.

Practice deep breathing and other calming techniques. Picture yourself, keeping your cool, and having a calm conversation.

3. Understand Where They’re Coming From

Take the time to be curious and kind about why the other person feels and thinks the way they do.

Perhaps you’re a retiree arguing with a young parent about increasing taxes to fund a new school. You can’t understand why anyone would vote yes to pay more to the government.

But take the time to ask questions with kindness. Purposefully try to understand their point of view. Doing this doesn’t mean that you’re betraying your cause.

4. Find Common Ground

In the heat of disagreements, it’s easy to forget that you often have common interests and likes. Take the time to find these similarities.

If it’s a family member or someone you see often, focus on those. This strategy is a way to build positive interactions with each other. You can strengthen your relationship this way. It also helps you see those with opposing views as people.

5. Let It Go

As with so many things in life, it’s often just not worth it to discuss a topic with someone you disagree about. The chances are that you’re not going to change them, and they’re not going to change you.

Both of you will end up wasting time and creating emotional upheaval that could have been avoided. Having the maturity and wisdom to know how to conclude discussions is essential.

Are you struggling with how to interact with someone in your life who opposes your viewpoints? Is it creating anxiety and emotional distress for you?

Rather than let the situation fester and continue to cause you pain, consider reaching out to a therapist. I work with many clients who encounter anxiety in their relationships. There are steps we can take to help you find a more productive way to interact. Please call me today or visit my anxiety counseling page to find out more.