Suffering from Chronic Pain? How Mindfulness Makes a Difference

Here Are Ways Mindfulness Makes a Difference in Chronic Pain


Having chronic pain may make you think you need to deny your feelings to avoid others feeling uncomfortable. That could not be farther from the truth. You do not have to deny your pain in order to get through it. One of the pillars of mindfulness is being able to acknowledge your pain.

It is easier to distract yourself from thinking about the pain than sitting through it. To keep yourself calm when the pain becomes unbearable:

  1. Try deep breathing.

  2. Inhale a few deep breaths for a few seconds, pause, and let those breaths go as you exhale.

  3. Keep repeating until you notice your heartbeat slowing down.


Being in constant pain will make you want to distract yourself away from the pain. While you do not have to spend so much time ruminating on your pain, it is important to check in with yourself about what exactly you are feeling.

A strong sense of awareness can help you notice when there is something wrong or new about your pain. For example, has your pain moved to a different spot? How severe is the pain? Dedicate a few minutes every day to check in with yourself on what you are feeling.


Unfortunately, some amount of pain has to be accepted as a fact of life. However, there are healthy ways of gaining control over that pain. Not only can guided breathing help you lessen your thoughts about the pain, but so can progressive muscle relaxation techniques. Imagine a lemon in your hand that you are trying to squeeze. Squeeze that imaginary juice by making a fist in your hand and then release. You will feel much better knowing you released all that tension.

Gaining a Neutral Feeling About Pain

You know that pain is never an experience you want or will enjoy feeling. But, reality does not always present us with happy feelings. The trick is learning what to do when the pain rolls in.

Chronic pain does not always have a solution. Mindfulness can teach you how to let go of trying to fix, change, or correct what you are feeling. Accepting your current situation through mindfulness can help you move on from the grieving process that comes after learning about this lifelong condition. With patience, you will be able to process your feelings.

Practicing Mindfulness in Your Own Way

The best thing about mindfulness is that you can do it anywhere. However, those with chronic pain should pick a place where they are comfortable, both mentally and physically.

You can start your mindfulness practice in places like your bed or a couch surrounded by pillows. No matter where you practice mindfulness, make sure to do it where you can be aware of your surroundings to be better in tune with the present moment.

We are here to help. Learn more about chronic or catastrophic illness services, and contact us soon.