Congrats on the Job! Let’s Talk About Those New Job Jitters

Nearing The First Day

It’s natural to feel a mixture of emotions when starting a new job. The two main triggers for those jitters are usually an overwhelming feeling of uncertainty and performance anxiety.

Leaving your comfort zone of an old job is a large feat. Even if it’s your dream job, it requires new training, a potentially new environment, new coworkers, and a new boss. Plus, the workload may change. Not knowing what you are getting yourself into can be a hard leap.

Additionally, you might feel imposter syndrome, a common experience for many people. It’s normal to worry about being good enough for the role/company and whether or not you are capable of the new challenge.

Tips To Thrive

No matter your level of nervous energy, there are strategies that you can embrace to ensure you manage and thrive before and after your first day. 

1. Preparation 

Not everyone is a morning person. If getting ready for work or getting to work is a source of anxiety, start planning the night before. When you aren’t on a time crunch, prepare your meal for the day, plan your outfit, and organize any materials you may need. If you work from home, set up your environment ahead of time to be something productive yet comfortable.

This also applies to preparation for first-day routines. Have a brief introduction handy because, odds are, you are going to meet A LOT of people over those first few days. Know some facts about the company and role if you haven’t already done so during the interview process. Set yourself up for success.

2. Positive Self-Talk

Don’t be your own worst enemy. It can be easy to get down the “not good enough” rabbit hole when you’re stressed or worried. Remember one thing; they chose you. You already sold yourself to them as good enough for the role and team.

Giving yourself positive affirmations can go a long way in setting the tone for your entry into the new gig. There will be a learning curve, and no one expects you to roll in knowing everything perfectly.

3. Manage Your Stress Level

Whatever your stress management techniques are, put them into practice immediately. Don’t let your jitters pile up into a larger problem.

Focus on deep breathing techniques or grounding exercises to keep you calm, cool, and collected. Do a brain dump into a journal to process any feelings you may have. Any of these can be done on the go, during the day, and after your day to help you out.

4. Time Is Key

With any new change, it will take time to feel more comfortable. Remember, people are rooting for you to succeed. While you may feel overwhelmed, enjoy the process. You’re embarking on an adventure. Enjoy spreading your wings and learning a new flex. “Grace” should be your word of the month during this change. Don’t forget to give yourself grace in the process.

You’re about to do bigger (and hopefully better) things! Being courageous enough to start the process and take the job is a huge accomplishment in itself. Will there be bumps along the way? Yes. But enjoy the growth and all the opportunities ahead. If your jitters are getting the best of you, contact us to work on some solutions to better help you thrive.