How To Pursue Your Passion When You Aren’t Sure What Career To Choose

Get Intimate with Yourself

You spend much of your life getting to know others around you and building relationships. What so many people don’t often do is build an intimate relationship with themself. It’s not necessarily human nature to focus on yourself.

Think about the following questions, which should be simple to answer but often aren’t for most people. What are your natural-born talents and skills? How do you differ from others? What have you loved and hated about previous jobs, duties, and tasks? Why do you feel this way? What do you value, and what won’t you compromise on? What lights your soul up?

In order to find a career that ties into your passion, you need to know yourself inside and out—better than you currently do. Self-reflection can help you pinpoint your interests and strengths and get you excited about the future. 

Find Your Talents 

While in self-reflection mode, start to evaluate what your natural talents are. If you’ve never taken much time to consider this, now is a good time.

What have you excelled in in the past? Are there any soft skills that set you apart? Often, your biggest strengths are in things that come more naturally. 

Realistic or Pipedream?

Everyone has probably heard at some point that you can be anything you want to be. While this is true in some sense, that doesn’t mean every career is the most feasible. Think of the dream jobs you’ve wanted. How much have you thought about what the reality of that job is like? Not the glamorous or face value positives, but the nitty gritty, demanding parts.

Consider why that job interests you. Are there specific elements that could be found elsewhere? Why do you want that job? Finding your why is an important step. Are you looking for status, to make a difference, to earn respect, or to have more creativity?

Without throwing all of your resources fully into the pipe dream, take a small step to start. Is there a class you can take? Can you pick up a hobby to explore these interests? 

Ask Your Loved Ones

You don’t have to try to figure out your career path alone. Discuss with your family and friends to get their advice on the matter. Gaining some outside perspective can help overcome any hurdles you may have.

Remember to be open-minded with their feedback. Take the points that serve you and set aside those that don’t. While their ideas and advice can be helpful, there’s the possibility that they come with some biases. 

Explore Career Paths

After self-reflection, exploring your talents, discussing the topic with loved ones, and working on your strengths, you can start the actual work exploration process. Based on the skills and qualities you find appealing in a job, look for work that fits those factors.

What type of job excites you? What qualifications do you need to have to pursue this career path? Brush up on any necessary skills or complete volunteer work to get yourself in the door. Check-in with your social network to see if you have any assistance there.

As you find that something isn’t a fit for you or wasn’t exactly what you expected it to be, make adjustments to your plan.

If you’re looking for additional guidance in your career search, contact us today.

Pathways To Wellness