Oliver, having started his early life on the streets, has over eight years of experience in the office offering support especially to those with early abandonment issues and traumatic childhoods like his own. His understanding is communicated by him standing on your leg, putting one paw on your lap, or sleeping on top of your feet. He is probably a Bichon-Poodle mix (non-shedding and allergy-friendly), though DNA tests claim he is half Irish Setter and half Poodle. He has beautiful compassionate golden eyes, which are only slightly cross-eyed.
Dudley is our dark chocolate angel. With us since January 2012, he is the sweetest soul in the office and he will always try to entice you into a good game of tug or chase if he can. He is especially good at cheering up those who are sad. For those who knew Watson’s good nature and ability to heal most any discomfort with a waggy tail, a woof(!), and presenting you with one of his favorite toys, Dudley appears to be almost a clone. Dudley is Watson’s great nephew and, like his uncle, is highly skilled at playfulness, unconditional love, and the art of not taking things too seriously.
Charlie is our playful puppy. For those needing to laugh or whose love language is physical touch, he’s your guy. He will run and jump into the arms of anyone needing a good snuggle and he is good at making endearing little snuggle noises. Born December 30, 2018, he is full of mischief and exuberance and just might steal your shoes when you’re not looking. He thinks he’s very stealthy, but generally leaves his contraband right out there in the open where you can find it (unless he’s hiding it in his mouth). When he drinks water, he sticks his entire face in the bowl and, when he sleeps, his dreams are often quite loud and expressive. His zest for life is kind of contagious.
Canine Contributor Blog Posts
What I like best about summer is Daylight Savings Time. The days are longer, it stays light out later, and we take walks in the sweet evening breeze after things have cooled down a bit from the summer heat.