Dates: TBD (Except for official holidays.)
Time: TBD
Cost: No charge
(donations appreciated)
Where: Virtual meditation via Zoom
Call today: 714-432-9857 ext. 105
The Art of Mindful Living Introductory Sessions
with Rupa Ward, LMFT
• Want to be smarter, happier, more productive, more fit?
• Want to retard aging, lose weight, develop more will power?
• Want a more robust or well-regulated immune system?
• Want to think more clearly and become a better listener?
• Looking for greater peace of mind?
Compassion Meditation
We face anxiety, fear, loneliness, worry, loss, and relational distress in different situations on our life journey. Compassion meditation practice helps us strengthen our compassion muscle. This gives us the skills and ability to regulate our unwanted emotions in a nonreactive way, and moves us to communicate in a loving and caring way. Cultivating compassion is an act of genuine love toward ourselves, which we can then extend toward others. Compassion practice helps us feel grounded even when we are experiencing painful or traumatic moments.
Compassionate mindfulness allows us to address our substance use; when craving gets strong it creates space within us to accept the obsessive thinking, so we do not react from fight or flight mode. Compassionate mindfulness allows us to embrace craving and obsessive thoughts in a nonjudgmental way without acting on them.
Meditation is all about simple ordinary daily living—how we breathe, sit, walk, speak, relate to ourselves and each other. Through various exercises we will be present to breath, sound, sensation, emotion, and thoughts. We will direct our attention to stress, anxiety, depression, old pain, and understand how we construct meaning. As we become intimate with our feelings and thoughts without resisting them, our practice helps us to notice our negative thought patterns non-judgmentally and let them go so we can be free.
Rupa Ward, LMFT
Rupa Ward, LMFT, has been trained in yoga and meditation in India and the USA. She has taught yoga and meditation at several colleges and to private students. For the past several years, she has been receiving training in Vajrayana practice from Tibetan Dzogchen Master Khenpo Choga Rinpoche and she is a therapist who sees individuals, couples, and families at Pathways to Wellness.