How Long Does the Gottman Method Take?

The Gottman Timeline

With the Gottman method, there isn’t a hard and fast timeline from beginning to end. This approach is very personalized to each couple and aims to meet their specific needs. Some couples may move through faster than others, but there is no right or wrong answer here.

However, there are some general guidelines to help you get an idea of what to expect.

The Initial Assessment

For the first few sessions, your therapist will work with you to do a comprehensive initial assessment and evaluation. You’ll discuss your relationship strengths and identify any areas to work on. This will usually take around two to three sessions to complete.

This evaluation may include conversations about your respective histories, observation of behavior patterns, and a Gottman-specific tool. Based on this assessment, the therapist can design a plan of action.

The Treatment Phase

From here, many couples will undergo therapy sessions lasting from six to 12 months. The rough guideline to expect is weekly sessions for the first two to three months. After that, sessions move to bi-weekly for the following two to three months. If things are looking good, you will be placed on a maintenance schedule. If you need more time, further session planning will be established.

During the treatment phase, this is where focused interventions will take place. Couples will build skills that can be used to address any areas that need attention. Homework will also be given, including exercises to enhance communication and connection.

The Maintenance Phase

Once couples pass the treatment phase and have reached a level of success in their session, they will be moved into the maintenance phase. These sessions will be conducted on a monthly basis, lasting somewhere between two and four months.

The goal of this phase is to prevent regression now that sessions have significantly reduced. Together, you’ll set long-term goals for your relationship that will help keep it healthy and connected.

Factors that Influence Time Frames

One of the biggest things that can influence the duration of your sessions is the severity of any relationship issues. The more complex the issue, the longer you’ll likely need to attend sessions.

Another important factor is what goals you and your partner want to work on during the process. If it’s something simple, it may not be that involved. But if you have something more challenging, like re-establishing trust after an incidence of infidelity, it could require more time.

This process requires both partners to be actively involved and motivated to create change. If you’re open and honest about your struggles and willing to do the necessary work, you’re more likely to progress much faster.

Is Gottman Right for You?

Like many other therapeutic approaches, the Gottman Method is not a fast solution to fix a complex problem. Rather, it is a transformation process that can impact long-term change.

If you want to explore whether Gottman is right for you, we’re here to help. Reach out to schedule a consultation today.